Welcome to the Nottingham's Digital Photo blog. Photography assignments and student work is highlighted here. Students will also find
photography tips, helpful links, and other important information related to the class.

May 18, 2011 - Imitate a professional

Essential Question:  
What can you imitate from the artists you investigated last week? 

1.      DIN:  Review Class Policy post.  Recently legally absent students need to catch up.  Hint:  show Mrs. Thomas your completed brainstorm.  
Evaluate your photos from last class and determine what you need to photograph today.  Will you need to re-photograph anything?  What will you photograph to imitate one of the artists you studied last week?
2.      Photograph.  You will get one more day to photograph IF you need it.  If you need to take more photographs you will need to work at home, come during study hall and/or Study and Support.   Take at least 30 photos today.
3.      Come back in time to upload to your Z: drive.  Make sure your folder is titled PHOTO ESSAY.  Please delete blurry or bad photos. 
TOD:  Teacher folder check.  Answer question on classwork post.  (the essential question from today stated as: What did you imitate from one of the 5 artists you investigated last week?)