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Image Ready Animation and begin Critique April 7th, 2011

(  Students, I sent each of you an email with a list of your descriptions you submitted of the person you photographed.  If you would like to submit an alternative paragraph you will need to do so by Friday, April 8th.  YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO WRITE THIS NEW PARAGRAPH IN CLASS TODAY.  YOU MUST DO IT OUTSIDE OF CLASS OR AT HOME.  Send it in an email or written down.  Otherwise the current para. will be used on the blog when I add your images and animations to the blog.  )

Essential Questions:
How did you use ImageReady to create animation?
How does an artist critique works of photography?  What topics are shared?

While you are logging on, give Mrs. Thomas your Flattened Hockney image from your FlashDrive.

 1.  Teacher demonstration for animation in ImageReady (see below):
Student work at computers with me.  Students who are finished with their animations should help others.

Create an animation that shows creation of your image:  (DUE at the END of CLASS)
Open Photoshop.  Click the very bottom of your tool bar.  You’ll go into Adobe Image Ready. 
Open your lastnameanimblock# image , the smaller version of your image with the layers intact.

*******   For version CS3  see this tute. 

Go to FILE, EXPORT, Layers as Files.  In the dialog box, under File Options, click CHOOSE, create a new folder call it hockneyframes. (to save each layer as a file.)  Click OK.  Close the open photo.  
Go to FILE, IMPORT, Folder as Frames.  
Open the ANIMATION window by selecting it from the WINDOW tab at the top.
Look at your LAYER palette.  If your white layer is not on the bottom of your LAYER palette you will need to drag it to the bottom.  Go through make sure your layers are in the correct order.  If you need to, and drag layers in number order from one to 16 (for example) to the top.
Keep the EYE on that bottom layer during this whole process, making it visible the whole animation.
You will see an animation box at the top and the layers in a larger box.  You’ll see an eye on the white background layer. 
Click on the 2nd animation slide, go to the Layers palette and turn the eye on for the bottom 2 layers. 
Click on the 3rd animation slide, go to the Layers palette and turn the eye on for the bottom 3 layers. 
Continue this same process until the last slide has all of the eyes showing.
On the ANIMATION box, select all of the slides (click first slide, SHIFT Key, and the last slide).  Click the tiny arrow next to the “O sec.”, select 1.0 sec. for your delay.  On the bottom Left of the ANIMATION box, preview your animation by clicking the ARROW.   Click on the bottom left arrow to make the animation go only ONCE.  
Go to FILE, EXPORT, and select MACROMEDIA FLASH SWF.  Name it lastnameflashhockblock#
IF you finish early, please help someone else in the class.
 3.  As soon as you are done with the animation you need to pass your flash drive to Mrs. T.  She  needs your flattened collage called lastnameflathockblock#  AND your lastnameflashhockblock#

4.  Participate in the Critique using the projectorWe will continue the critique next class.
            What elements of art and principles of design can be identified?, Talk about the steps to complete the assignment.  Talk about the areas of improvement and positive aspects of the images.
How was Hockney and Cubism referenced?.....

5.  TOD -  you must participate in the critique.  Check by Mrs. Thomas