Welcome to the Nottingham's Digital Photo blog. Photography assignments and student work is highlighted here. Students will also find
photography tips, helpful links, and other important information related to the class.

April 26, 2011 Surrealist Tutorial

   Essential Question:
How will you use Photoshop to create your Surrealist image?

     DIN:  Select which of your own photos you will use for the tutorial.

      Begin working on your tutorial :  50% of the photographs used in the tutorial with have to be photos that you have taken.  You will see that there are links to the photos needed for the tutorials.  SAVE your project to your Z drive as lastnamesurrtuteblock# and save frequently! 

       Change dimensions to:   for all tutes----- 2000 x 2000 pixels , 300 dpi

TOD:   What tools have you learned to use?  What did you accomplish today?

      Homework:  review the Self Assessment for this project so that you are aware of what you will be graded on.  Make sure you notice the list of Project Requirements.

      Check your grades for this marking period regularly.  Classwork grades are based on what is submitted to me through the blog.  Zeroes need to be made up within 2 days.