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Introduction to Surrealism: April 13, 2011

Please read this whole post before you begin, so you can gauge what you need to accomplish today.

1. DIN: Examine the work of Surrealist Rene Magritte at Google Images. Try to determine what defines Surrealism. René François Ghislain Magritte (1898 - 1967))

2. What is Surrealism? Find out here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrealism

3. Surrealism in art, poetry, and literature uses numerous techniques and games to provide inspiration. Many of these are said to free imagination by producing a creative process free of conscious control. The importance of the unconscious as a source of inspiration is central to the nature of surrealism. From Wikipedia.com

4. Go to EXPERIMENTING WITH OBJECTS (at the side) to play an independent Surrealism Game. In 5 minutes we will have some fun examining the responses. (Questions are based on those from http://www.purselipsquarejaw.org/surrealist_games/)
4. You will be creating an artwork in the style of the Surrealists by completing a PhotoShop tutorial. Because we are limited in PhotoShop software some students will have to partner up.
Select one from this list: (a. and b. steps are easiest to understand, so if you choose c. or d. you will need more guidance from Mrs. T.)
a. Story Book Come to Life:

b. Surrealist Room:

c. Man Without a Face:

d. Winged Boot:

5. You will be completing your tutoral with one change: 50% of the photographs used in the tutorial will have to be photos that you have taken. Skim through the tutorial and decide what you will need to photograph yourself. You will see that there are links to the photos needed for the tutorials.

BECAUSE MRS. T is absent today please do this next instead of photographing:

     Visit http://www.madsci.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~lynn/jardin/SCG  Receive a Surrealist compliment.
      What is exquisite Corpse?  Find out: http://www.exquisitecorpse.com/definition/About.html 

 Fill out a written Exquisite Corpse (link).  The results will be taken by mixing up the student responses. 
- article, adjective
- noun
- verb
- article, adjective
- noun

6.Click TOD: (allow 10 minutes to write and log off)  Write the name of the tutorial you are working on. Who is your partner? How will you make sure that your partnership will be fair? What will you photograph to use in the final tutorial image?

Since we are having trouble printing, I have uploaded most of the JPEG images that were turned in to me to Walmart Photos.  You can go there to order prints: Walmart Photo Album