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Screenprinting Quiz

Below is a list of steps to screen print a T-Shirt.  The order is incorrect.  Take a slip of paper given to you by Mrs. Thomas and write the corresponding letters in the 1-12 blanks.

a- Iron the back side of the fabric for however long it says to on the paint container.

b- Lay your screen staple-side down on your fabric, put a line of paint on the screen, along one side, and with your squeegee, lay down a flood stroke using light pressure, the next pass should be firm with a smooth motion to press the ink through the screen onto the fabric.

c- Lay out your wooden frame onto your choice of fabric.

d- Spread your mixed-up emulsion onto the fabric very thinly in a completely dark room.

e-  Lift up the screen and you have an image on the fabric! let dry.

f- Wash the fabric.

g- Staple your fabric very tightly to the frame -so tight, you think it is going to rip. 

h- Let it dry in a completely dark place overnight.

i- Spread the black paper all over the floor and put your screen on top, wood side down (with staples on top).

j- Set up your lamp directly over the screen (distance according to directions), and turn the light on for however long it says in the directions.

k- Tape your transparencies with clear tape to the dry surface of the screen.

l-  Rinse your screen with very cold water. Let dry.