ESSENTIAL Questions:
Who was David Hockney and what was style in photography? What art elements and principles of design are found in Cubism and Hockney?
What subjects did Hockney select and why?
What defined the Cubist movement?
What part did SPACE play for Hockney and for Cubism?
1. Let’s figure out who David Hockney is. Examine his work. Look on Google Images
and here: click on WORKS tab.
Visit: to read about him.
Complete David Hockney Quiz to check for comprehension. Write answers in your own words. (no cut and pasting)
If you want to learn more about him, visit
An inspiration for Hockney was the art movement, Cubism. As a class, we will examine his work here:
Definition of Cubism:
TOD: Online question in Hockney/Cubist Classwork. Who were some of the Cubist artists and what were their goals as artists?